Our Values

We are a vibrant school community which empowers girls to become resilient and to fulfil their potential as future leaders.

Consultation with students, staff, parents and governors has led to an agreement of the core values which underpin our aims for our school community. We share a commitment to the core values which make us strive always to be:

  • A school where everyone is included, at the heart of the community.
  • A school with high expectations which provides quality learning experiences for all.
  • A safe and happy school which creates a sense of pride and promotes respectful relationships for all.

We want our school to be a rich learning community at all levels. We hold the following views about how we will achieve this:

  • Single sex education allows us to challenge the girls to have the highest possible expectations of themselves.
  • Learning is not something you have done to you but is a journey all take an active part in.
  • Learning should be enjoyable, relevant to our lives and applicable to our futures.
  • Learning is not just about passing examinations, it is also about developing emotional well-being and strong social skills.
  • Our learning community should be a safe, secure, happy and just place in which to work and learn.
  • The learning we engage in should challenge us, widen our horizons and deepen our understanding of ourselves, our community and the wider world.

We believe that intelligence is not fixed but can be developed throughout life and we adopt a growth mindset approach to all that we do
We acknowledge that everybody needs a voice in deciding how things are done in our community.

At Didcot Girls' School we recognise our moral, ethical and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of students. We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent and effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, young people and staff at school.

The school's full Safeguarding Policy is available on our Policies page here.

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