Exams Office
Public exams are a crucial time for students, parents, and carers and it is important that all involved are as well informed as possible. The school will make every effort to ensure our students receive the best possible preparation and that exams are conducted in a way that enables students to achieve their potential.
We have included some useful information here together with the official Exam Board notices. Please don't hesitate to contact us during school hours if you have any queries.
Contact Information:
Exams Officer: Exams Assistant:
Mrs Gillian Hutchinson Mrs Laura Vickers
01235 812092 Extension 626 01235 812092 Extension 576
email: dgsexams@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk
*** KEY DATES ***
24th April to 2nd May - GCSE MFL Speaking Exams
28th April to 1st May - GCSE Art Exams
8th May to 19th June - GCSE Exams
25th June - GCSE Exam Contingency Day
23rd June to 4th July - Yr 10 Mock Exams
21st August - GCSE Results Day